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One Egg is a Fortune

Sale price$25.00

One Egg Is A For­tune: Mem­o­ries and Recipes to Share

‘One Egg Is A Fortune’ is a cookbook full of heart! It is a book for today from times past. Fifty well-known Jewish figures from around the world have contributed recipes, biographies and anecdotes, showcasing the diversity of Jewish life. And while each person tells a unique story, their anecdotes reveal that the enjoyment of food is the common thread that binds us together. The title of our book was inspired by one of these beautiful stories. This timeless book presents over 100 delicious recipes with clear, easy-to-follow instructions with stunning food photography by Craig Cranko, sophisticated food styling by Michele Cranston from Marie Claire, The New York Times and other publications, and elegant book design by award winner Melanie Fedder.

While read­ers might ini­tial­ly get excit­ed to peruse recipes from famous Jews such as choco­lati­er Max Bren­ner, Rab­bi Shmu­ley Boteach, and Mar­lee Matlin, the recipes from some of the less­er-knowns are just as sat­is­fy­ing, includ­ing Sam Lipski’s Aro­mat­ic Roast Brisket and Alan Gold’s Hun­gar­i­an Scal­loped Pota­toes. One Egg is a For­tune will take you on a Jew­ish culi­nary jour­ney to inspire you in the kitchen and con­nect you to a whole new set of food and fam­i­ly memories.


One Egg is a Fortune
One Egg is a Fortune Sale price$25.00